Thursday, February 12, 2009

Generational PTSD

A recent radio report about the effects of PTSD being passed down to future generations inspired a brief search that confirms the same. It stands then that we as a people are still paying for WWII and potentially WWI as well. It's not as if we needed yet another reason to despise war. The premise of one report was how it can take 3-4 generations before the effects "dilute" out of a family. The discussion included on how the 2nd generation may experience "flashbacks" that are not that persons actual memories but that of the one affected by the trauma.
Furthermore the post talked about a Vietnam Vet's spouse. She took on her recent suicidal husband's PTSD. She ended up talking the talk of a vet and even had dreams of combat. This woman had never been in the military nor combat.
Some of the roots of these studies were taken from knowledge of the effects of PTSD on holocaust survivor. Sadly, we continue in multiple senseless wars. Worse, the Obama administration talks of continuing the war in Afghanistan. How many more must be affected by war? Will peace ever be achieved? Either way the peace agenda needs to be sought out.

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